Coast goodness

This weekend J and I took a little vacation on the coast of California. We stayed at Glass Beach Bed and Breakfast Inn in Fort Bragg and got to relax and just enjoy life for a few days. (The place we stayed at provided a really nice breakfast - even for a gluten free girl!)
The ocean is very special to me as I grew up on a tiny island on the coast of Norway. I love waves and the ocean breeze. One thing in particular that was exciting, was finding hidden hiking trails in the midst of the tallest trees on earth. J and I hiked, took pictures and had a really amazing time together.
 In Fort Bragg there is a raw food diet cooking school (Living light culinary art institute) that also has a little cafe. They serve raw ice cream and cakes, soaked and dehydrated grains, smoothies and juices and such. I had a tasty piece of raw cherry pie with chocolate sauce. This week I want to make a few alternative cakes/pies that are free from dairy, eggs, gluten etc. My first one I have already started making, it is a raw cheesecake. It will be really really good. Ill post it here later today =)

Happy Monday Everyone!


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