Power Breakfast

(- Friendly recipe for people with allergies - )

They say that eating breakfast is the most important meal in a day. Some may argue and say that you can loose weight by exercising on an empty stomach. I have found for myself that I can exercise longer and better when I have had my breakfast first! Without, I can only go for so long, I get tired fast etc.
Here is a recipe I developed that is really healthy and full of nutrients. Count on it to carry you to the gym for a rigorous morning workout. It is filling, tastes good, and is good for you!
I call it “power breakfast” and it only takes a couple of minutes to make.....
You need:
1 ripe banana
1/2 cup water
1 Tb almond butter
2 Tbs hempseeds
3 Tbs ground flax meal
3 Tbs oat flour

Blend banana, water, almond butter and hempseeds till creamy. Pour in a bowl and add the flours. You can also add more water to the recipe and make your own “milk” to pour atop your regular cereal.

 Some of the many benefits:
The banana is an excellent source of potassium. Potassium, an important electrolyte, helps to regulate blood pressure and protects against heart disease and strokes. In addition, it soothes the gastrointestinal tract due to the fiber pectin that normalizes bowel function.
This meal also provides lots of protein, iron, vitamin B1, B6 and C and soluble dietary fiber. Almonds and flaxseeds act as anti-cancer foods. The hempseeds provide a significant amount of omega 3 (ALA) and omega 6 (fatty acid) and are amongst the so-called superfoods.


Karina L,  12:38 PM  

Hei Kathrine!
Titter innom bloggen din!
Så flink du er, rene fitnessgudinnen! :D
Kjenner jeg får skikkelig dårlig samvittighet for at jeg lar kroppen forfalle i min treningsløsehverdag! Takk for goood motivasjon til å starte opp :D
Håper alt står bra til med deg :)

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